Welcome to Ben Freeth's Blog
First blog documenting his remarkable “Long Ride for Justice”, on horseback and on foot, west from Mike Campbell’s Mount Carmel farm in central Zimbabwe to the Ngoma border post. Then along Namibia’s Caprivi Strip/Zambezi Region and south to Windhoek, the capital of Namibia, to call for the reopening of the regional court of justice, the SADC Tribunal. Without this court, the 389 million SADC citizens have no access to justice when they are denied justice in their own countries.
Ben’s second blog documents his eventful “Prayer Ride for Justice” on horseback and on foot from Mount Carmel farm east along winding paths and travelling off-road to Mutare and the Vuma mountains.
Here you can view the galleries of Ben’s photos, read his blog series and access press information. Supporters can also donate to contribute to Ben’s innovative and challenging initiatives.