Mugabe and the White African
Ben Freeth has an extraordinary story to tell. Like that of many white commercial farmers in Zimbabwe, the land belonging to his father-in-law, Mike Campbell, was taken over violently by a government minister. However, Mike’s family fought back. Appealing to international law, Mike and Ben instigated a landmark court case against the Mugabe government via the court of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) Tribunal.
The case was deferred time and again due to the government’s delaying tactics. But after Ben and his parents-in-law were abducted and beaten to within inches of death in June 2008, the SADC Tribunal deemed any further delay to be an obstruction of justice.
The case was heard, and was successful on all counts. But the story doesn't end there. In 2009, the family farm was burnt to the ground. Today the fight for justice in Zimbabwe is still far from over. This book is for anyone who wants to see into the heart of one of the toughest places to live, and to discover how human dignity flourishes even in the most adverse circumstances.
Released in June 2011
To watch a short trailer of the award-winning film, click HERE (1:40 mins)
To watch a longer trailer of the award-winning film, click HERE (8:56 mins)
To purchase a copy of Mugabe and the White African either in paperback, on Kindle or DVD from Amazon, click on the cart below:

When Governments Stumble: Lessons from Zimbabwe's past, hope in Africa's future
Ben Freeth established his credentials to write on this topic through his courageous and successful resistance to the bullying tactics employed by the Mugabe regime in Zimbabwe to throw him and his family off their land, a story told in Mugabe and the White African. He now throws his net wider to ask: what response should Christians make to corruption and injustice when perpetrated by governments? Justice is a fundamental aspect of the Judeo-Christian faith. Ben explores this theme through his own experience of government oppression in Zimbabwe, and through contemporary instances where Christians have - or have not - stood up to be counted. He considers the Biblical injunction to obey your rulers, and examines the issues of fear and complacency: sometimes Christians are compromised by their relationship with the ruling group. What is our duty? Most Christians feel powerless. What can we actually do, as individuals, and as a group?
Released in October 2013
Available in paperback and on kindle
To purchase a copy, click HERE