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21 Feb 24 With Duppie & Andrea du Plessis.jpg

29 February 2024

Join us on an incredible journey for justice which our executive director, Ben Freeth, has embarked on to raise the profile of the need to reinstate the regional court of justice, the SADC Tribunal, which was based in Windhoek, Namibia. To document Ben’s initiative, and keep you updated on his progress through a vast section of Namibia (having completed the Zimbabwean leg), we’d like to introduce our blog, "Long Ride for Justice”. Through it, you'll get exclusive insights, stories and updates directly from Ben as he rides and walks through remote landscapes, encounters remarkable individuals, and advocates for justice.

Christmas Trek [2] Ben's horse Tsedeq Dec 23.JPG

21 December 2023

Dear Friends, Relations, Supporters and Colleagues


I have been reflecting deeply over the last 3 weeks as I have moved through Zimbabwe for many hundreds of kilometres on foot with a horse. The horse is called Tsedeq. It means justice and righteousness in Hebrew. I started from Mount Carmel farm (Mike Campbell’s now derelict family farm) in Chegutu on 28 November, on the 15th anniversary of the SADC Tribunal Judgment awarded in the Mike Campbell Case that sets the parameters for justice, and lays down many of the foundations for the rebuilding of Zimbabwe.

Photo SADC SEOM Dr Nevers Mumba GGA 25 Aug 23.jpg

16 October 2023

I went down to Cape Town recently after my cousin, very tragically, committed suicide. On the morning after the funeral I felt compelled to climb up to the top of Devil’s Peak next to Table Mountain in the mist and rain and wind at the end of a big Cape winter storm and read out Ephesians chapter 6 about our battle not being against flesh and blood but against the principalities and powers of this dark world. Immediately after reading it, the mist cleared and opened a wonderful window to look down on Cape Town and the ocean beyond.

CCC rally outside Marondera stadium pic AFP 12 Mar 22.jpg

22 August 2023

On 23 August, Zimbabwe will hold its crucial presidential and parliamentary elections.  As you are aware, things are not good in our country. The judiciary is captured, the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC), which is running the elections, is also essentially an extension of the ruling party, and rigging is already happening.  We still haven’t even been able to access a copy of the voters’ roll!  You will remember that after the last heavily rigged elections in 2018, the army came out on the streets and shot unarmed, innocent women and other people in the back in broad daylight   ̶  in front of the world press. So it looks bleak, but we still believe in miracles….


5 April 2023

In this Easter newsletter, our executive director, Ben Freeth, notes that despite the ongoing chaos in Zimbabwe, there are at last signs of hope. For example, the Southern African Agri Initiative (SAAI) is now assisting our dispossessed Zimbabwean farmers, many of whom are destitute, with an alternative compensation and agricultural rebuilding strategy. SAAI is the South Africa-based agricultural interest network which is “for farmers by farmers”. It is committed to protecting and promoting the rights, values, ideals and needs of family farmers regionally in the primary production sector. Ben also recommends watching “The Gold Mafia”, Al Jazeera’s 4-part undercover investigation into gold smuggling in Zimbabwe….

"What does the Lord require of you? To act justly, to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God."

Micah 6:8

© Mike Campbell Foundation is a charity registered with the Charity Commission of England & Wales | Registered number 1144943

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