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A big man died and went to the Pearly Gates. He was given the option of going to Heaven and Hell so he asked to see his options.


In hell he saw that the devil looked after his people and everything was nice too. He checked out Heaven and thought it was good but a bit over-rated. So he chose to go to hell.


But when the doors of the lift that went down to hell opened, he saw that everything had changed and looked terrible. The devil was there but this time he had horns and a tail. So the big man asked the devil why things had changed from when he visited previously.


The devil said, “I’m sorry, my friend. The day you came down we were campaigning!”

So…. We need to tell our people that there is life after campaigning!!! 

"What does the Lord require of you? To act justly, to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God."

Micah 6:8

© Mike Campbell Foundation is a charity registered with the Charity Commission of England & Wales | Registered number 1144943

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